John Held Jr.

History of Contemporary Art in Dallas Oral History Collection

Fig. 1

John Held Jr. is a mail and performance artist and the former owner of Modern Realism Gallery and Archive (1982–1994) and the founder of the Video Art Study Group, active in the 1980s. Modern Realism Gallery exhibitions included shows of work by artists Ray Johnson, Davi Det Hompson, Anna Banana, Ken Brown, and Achille Cavellini, with special thematic shows on the Fluxus art movement, Artist Postage Stamps, Mail Art, the Church of the Sub-Genius, and the Yugoslavian Anti-Embargo Art Collective Cage Group.

Interviewee: John Held Jr.
Interviewer: Leigh Arnold
Date: May 4, 2012
Location: Dallas Museum of Art, by telephone

Fig. 1